Dear Saint Camillus Parishioners:
St. Camillus Parish ended the first half of the fiscal year with an operating income of $13,770. However, even
though we were able to cover our expenses, our offertory remains relatively low and we still remain reliant
on rental income.
We thank everyone who responded to the first part of our Grand Annual Appeal. Your generous contribution raised
$23,441 and enabled our Parish to install live-streaming equipment totaling $13,055.
Once again, we are requesting that each working person donate $350 to the second part of the Grand Annual Collection. We hope that those who are able will respond by being even more generous. Your contributions will help cover the cost of upgrading the Lower Hall, repairing the Bell Tower, and upgrading the electrical and HVAC systems.
The Grand Annual Collection remains an essential source of financial support to our Parish. We ask, once again, that you
continue to support St. Camillus Parish generously each week and contribute to the Grand Annual Collection, which will be taken up as the second collection on the weekend of April 10th and 11th.
Fr. Marc Bishop, Anne Doherty, Edward Hurley, John Roma, Thomas Woodbury.